Friday, February 10, 2012

where did she go?

Yep, I'm still alive. I kept putting off posting until I was in a "better head space" but I've come to the conclusion that until something big happens here, it ain't gonna change! It's been a big (almost) 2 weeks. I had my audition on Wednesday and although I think it went really well, of course there was that post-audition trauma (after all the adrenalin is gone and the one thing that has been distracting you from all the bad stuff going on suddenly doesn't exist anymore). I'm still recovering from that and was also really sick with a stomach flu last weekend so it's been a tough weekend... I've been to the gym every day but just for a bit of cardio. Listening to my body and it says, "I NEED A BREAK".

When I started this blog I was in a very different place (emotionally AND physically!) to where I am now. I believe it's helped me make huge progress on my journey and although I'm still a ways off getting there, it's the first time in my life I've believed it's actually achievable. However I am under more stress now than I can even comprehend. It's crunch time here - the money is nearly gone and if something doesn't change dramatically in the next 4 weeks, that's it - home to Aus or take one of NZ's many underpaid day jobs & keep struggling away at it. I don't need the added burden of having to post on here while that's going on. I need to stay positive, stick to my plan and just hang on by that last thread and therefore I think it's best if I take a vacation from this blog during that time. By the end of the month things will be clear and a decision will have been made about our future - once that time comes, I'll be ready to get back on here & start sharing again. In the meantime, thanks for reading - I hope to return in the not too distant future with good news! --Kat x